About Me

I am a born and raised Mumbai girl with nothing more than a curious mind and desire to explore and learn about the hidden treasures and wisdom of the universe to help tap into the power of the subconscious mind and become the co-creator of your own reality.

One of the things I often get asked by many is -
How did I get started into all this?

For as long as I can remember, I have always been curious about the potential of the human mind. I wanted to know and understand why some people would always struggle, fall sick while others would find their way out to thrive, be well and succeed. How was an optimistic or pessimistic mindset really impacting the choices one would make?

While living in Spain during my teens for almost a decade, I tried my hands on a regular 9 to 5 job in the tourism and real estate world which gave a nudge to pull back and give up the security of a 9 to 5 job and explore and choose something that would be more soul satisfying. The process of exploration for something more soulful and meaningful led me to a new world of metaphysics and spirituality. And then onwards I decided to head back to my roots in Mumbai.

From being completely clueless about what to do with my life to little by little putting pieces together. It was in Fall of 2008 when I began to teach Spanish and doors to learn ThetaHealing® opened up for me. That’s when I discovered what I really love to do.

It's been over a decade now that I have been on this empowering journey as an inner wellness practitioner and a founder of Peace of Mind - The Wellness Space. But let me tell you that I’m no sage and I don’t have all the answers. I make mistakes, have my bad days and get mired in fear and self-doubt, just like everyone.

But I’m committed to bring to you always meaningful + helpful insights of what I’m living and learning, while keeping it real and honest as I go. So please don’t expect perfect polish (I’m too simple-spoken for that) but do expect practical + wise tools and resources to help people like YOU who dream and take actions to create an abundant, healthy and meaningful life for themselves.

More Sweet Deets


As an inner wellness practitioner and instructor is to help you change your limiting belief blocks so you can get to the vibrational match to attract to you what you’re manifesting out in the universe.


Take one step at a time. One moment at a time. Because life tends to happen, in a blink of a heartbeat…..in a blink of an eye.

Why is ThetaHealing® one of my FAVORITE tools?

You must have come across this quote “Change what you believe and you change your life” - Well, ThetaHealing® BELIEF WORK technique exactly does that! Belief work technique is the magic key to unlock your subconscious mind and change your beliefs in an instant!

I have personally experienced and witnessed this technique help change not only my own life for the good but also for many people who I have worked with.


Star Gazing
Yoga Pants
Watching TV

What I LOVE to contribute through my work?

Honestly, I am not interested in life hacks. Just more living in gratitude and helping others create a safe and stable mental + emotional sanctuary for themselves.

I love to leave things better than I found them. I strongly believe that beauty heals us - beauty in language, friendships, relationships, spaces - from PERSONAL SPACE to HOMES that are filled with LESS stress and differences and with MORE resources for happiness, inner strength, calm, harmony and PEACE.


Apart from studying Travel and Tourism, Human Resources, Business Management and Nutrition from Cambridge College, UK. I also explored my creativity skills by learning graphic designing.

My ThetaHealing® journey began in 2008. And then onwards I continued my formal training as Theta Healing Instructor, Master and Certificate of Science between 2009 - 2012 by Vianna Stibal, founder of Theta Healing, Idaho Falls,USA.

In fall 2008 I also founded Señorita’s Spanish Class. I have always been a “self taught” Spanish teacher. In 2012 I refined my teaching skills by pursuing a formal teacher’s training in Madrid and became a certified Spanish teacher (ELE - teach Spanish as a foreign language). I am also a certified Access Consciousness practitioner.

I continue to learn not only from different mentors, spiritual teachers, books etc but also from people who I get to teach, work and interact with in my personal and professional space on a daily basis.

It's always an honor to be able to touch as many lives through this work, which is all about EMPOWERING YOU AND YOUR MIND TO CREATE AND AMAZING REALITY & VITALITY FOR YOURSELF!


Excited to have you here!
