We're almost done with the year (yay!) and, like every year, many of us are gearing up for our yearly year-end manifestation rituals with our manifestation journals, worksheets, and other tools. We're all ready to make a list of all the pretty and meaningful things we'd like to have in various aspects of our lives. Not to mention the vision board, candles, and the date of the new moon on the calendar!

However, as the new year progresses, many people begin to wonder why "just" few or none of their manifestations have manifested in their lives.

One of the common things I have noticed while working with my clients on their belief blocks around manifestation and abundance is that many of them actually felt quite comfortable and confident around feeling worthy of their manifestation.

But what was interesting to observe was that they had never felt comfortable enough about “receiving” good things in life because they had never experienced it before OR they lived life mostly in “I am always the giver” mode, so didn't quite know how it was to live also being in the “receiving” mode.

What seemed to slow down their manifestations had more to do with staying in the hermit mode or being invisible. But I'm definitely not going to rule out many other variables that may also influence the slowdown or add to the no-show of the manifestations into our reality.

And some of them also mentioned their discomfort and resistance around being visible and noticed - their fear of being in the spotlight, fear of being attacked by the insecurities of others, etc.

Staying in your closet and playing a low key in any way to keep yourself safe from other people's reactions, judgments, insecurities, and the famous guilt feeling of having your manifestations come true (especially at a faster pace than people around you) - all of this is only slowing down the universe.

Allowing yourself to be found, to be seen, and to receive are a few important keys that help the universe to easily reach out to you.

So, are you ready to step out of your closet?

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